Cranberry jam

In the 1672 book "New England Rarities Discovered" author John Josselyn described cranberries, writing:
"Sauce for the Pilgrims, cranberry or bearberry, is a small trayling plant that grows in salt marshes that are overgrown with moss. The berries are of a pale yellow color, afterwards red, as big as a cherry, some perfectly round, others oval, all of them hollow with sower (sic) astringent taste; they are ripe in August and September. They are excellent against the Scurvy. They are also good to allay the fervor of hoof diseases. The Indians and English use them mush, boyling (sic) them with sugar for sauce to eat with their meat; and it is a delicate sauce, especially with roasted mutton. Some make tarts with them as with gooseberries."

The name cranberry derives from "craneberry", first named by early European settlers in America who felt the expanding flower, stem, calyx, and petals resembled the neck, head, and bill of a crane. Another name used in northeastern Canada is mossberry. The traditional English name for Vaccinium oxycoccosfenberry, originated from plants found growing in fen (marsh) lands. In 17th century New England cranberries were sometimes called "bearberries" as bears were often seen feeding on them.
In North America, Native Americans were the first to use cranberries as food. Native Americans used cranberries in a variety of foods, especially for pemmican, wound medicine and dye. Calling the red berries Sassamanash, natives may have introduced cranberries to starving English settlers in Massachusetts who incorporated the berries into traditional Thanksgiving feasts. American Revolutionary War veteran Henry Hall is credited as first to farm cranberries in the Cape Cod town of Dennis around 1816. In the 1820s cranberries were shipped to Europe. Cranberries became popular for wild harvesting in the Nordic countries and Russia. In Scotland, the berries were originally wild-harvested but with the loss of suitable habitat, the plants have become so scarce that this is no longer done.
A bit of medicine:
There is potential benefit of cranberry juice consumption (300mL of cranberry juice per day) against bacterial infections in the urinary system.

1kg cranberries
1 kg sugar
2-3 tbs lemon juice
100 ml water, maybe a bit more

Let fruits stay with sugar overnight then boil them on high heat with the rest of the ingredients for about 11-15 minutes, 2-3 times. Remove the mousse from the surface of the mixture.
When the syrup becomes sticky , the jam is done. Put it in clean and dried jars, seal them and let them into the cellar.


Merisor de munte, afin, afin rosu, bujor, cimisir, coacaz, coacaz de munte, poranici, smirdar, saschiu, brebenoc, cununita, astea sunt denumirile sub care , merisoarele sunt cunoscute. Cum, fiece lucru are o istorie a lui, tot asa, merisoarele o au pe a lor. Daca vreti ca sa vedeti pina unde merge in timp stiinta cultivarii dar si-al consumului fructelor rosi pe care, cei mai multi dintre noi nu dam doi bani...accesati linkul.
Daca vreti ca sa stiti care sunt efectele unui consum regulat de coacaz fel, accesati linkul de aici.

Dulceata asta e relativ simplu de facut cum, relativ simpla e culegerea fructelor. Si nu simple sunt efectele pe care fructul de culoarea singelui le are.

1 kg meriosare
1 kg zahar( chiar este nevoie de atita zahar!)
2-3 l-ri suc de lamiie
100 ml apa, poate, ceva mai mult

Fructele se amesteca cu zaharul si se lasa sa stea peste noapte. Se fierb apoi la foc mare, cite 11-15 minute de 2-3 ori. Se aduna spuma care se formeaza deasupra. Cind siropul devine lipicios, dulceata e gata. Se pune in borcane care se capacesc camara cu ele.

Enjoy ! 

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