Kürtős kalács - a pleasure with cinnamon flavor

Today was a day of paradoxes. After a visit to a more than known cave, I had a 'nose to nose' with one of my pleasures related to the pastry section. Well yes, it's kürtős kalács Wherever I'd be and however much I'd eaten before, I can not help myself to taste some bites of that fine dough twisted and baked on a gently heat of a wooden fire. Added cinnamon to it and caramel flavor, I think that, kürtős holds the supremacy in terms of my culinary pleasures.
And not only ...
Look what wikipedia says:
Kürtőskalács or kürtős kalács is a Hungarian pastry, known as chimney cake or stove cake. It is baked on a tapered cylindrical spit (diameter 10 cm and length 40 cm) over an open fire.The Kürtőskalács originated from Transylvania-Romania derives from the Hungarian words kürtő that refers to chimney, and kalács meaning "cake". Being a famous Hungarian oldest pastry, kürtőskalács is sold by street vendors on street corners, carnivals and fairs.
Kürtőskalács consists of a thin yeast pastry ribbon wound around that wooden cylinder, heavily sprinkled with sugar, thus becoming a helix-shaped pastry which may taper very slightly towards the end. The pastry is baked on a hand-turned, tapered, wooden spit, rolled slowly on the wooden cylinder above an open fire. The dough is yeast-raised, flavored with sweet spices, the most common being cinnamon, topped with walnuts, coconut or almonds and sugar. The sugar is caramelized on the kürtöskalács surface, creating a sweet, crispy exterior, and a soft, smooth interior.
In the past time, it became popular to bake it in special gas- and electric ovens, being wound around some metal cylinders, the rest of the process being exactly the same.

30gr fresh yeast
800 ml milk
1 kg wheat flour
1 egg and 1 yolk
5 tbs sugar
100 gr butter

20-30 gr well melted butter
2-3 tbs honey
2 egg yolks
chopped walnuts
caster sugar or powdered sugar

Knead all ingredients until dough becomes hard and let it rest for an hour. Roll the dough, cut ribbons with thickness of 0.5 cm and wrapped'em on wooden or metal pipes.
Spread the outer surface of the dough before baking with a glaze of honey and egg yolk and sprinkle with sugar (some use sugar with nuts and almonds). Bake cakes in preheated oven for about 15 minutes, then remove the pipes, sprinkle over the cake sugar mixed with nuts or sugar mixed with cinnamon, or ... what flavors you want.
It's great being consumed warm. 

Kürtős kalács

Azi a fost o zi a paradoxurilor. Dupa o vizita la o pestera mai mult decit cunoscuta, am dat nas in nas cu una dintre placerile mele ce tin de capitolul patiserie. Ei bine da, despre kürtős e vorba. Oriunde as fi si oricit as fi mincat inainte, nu ma pot abtine sa nu mai gust si citeva imbucaturi din aluatul acela fin si rasucit si copt la foc molcom de jar. Iar aroma de scortisoara adaugata zaharului caramelizat, cred ca detine suprematia in ceea ce priveste placerile mele culinare. Si nu numai... 
Pentru mai multe informatii despre kürtős kalács accesati Wikipedia...

30 g drojdie proaspata
800 ml lapte
1 kg  faina
1 ou si 1 galbenus de ou
5 linguri zahar
100 g unt
Glazura :
20-30 g unt
2 galbenuse de ou
2-3 tbs honey
nuci tocate
100 g zahar pudra (sau zahar tos)

1.Se framanta toate ingredientele pana devine un aluat tare; se lasa sa stea o ora.
2.Se intinde aluatul, se taie fasii cu grosimea de 0,5 cm si se infasoara pe tevile de lemn sau de metal. 
3.Suprafata exterioara a aluatului se unge inainte de coacere cu glazura si se presara cu zahar (unii folosesc si la pasul acesta zaharul amestecat cu nuca sau migdale).
4.Dupa ce s-a copt, scoateti cilindrii de lemn sau metal si presarati kurtosul cu zaharul amestecat cu nuca sau cu zahar amestecat cu scortisoara sau...cu ce arome vreti voi.
E perfect a fi consumat caldut.

Enjoy !

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