Tomatoes soup

In the madness of a hot summer in the middle of Baragan, this soup is out of the refrigerator as a backup, that nothing but a lightning and interior glaciation you need, if you are like a pop, you are in the middle of fasting and on asphalt. 

1 kg of overripe tomatoes
1diced onion
1 grated carrot
1 glass of rice
salt, pepper
chopped basil and parsley

All except the greens will be boiled in 2 liters of water. After half an hour, remove the pan from heat and add herbs.


In vipia verii de Baragan , supa asta iese din frigider ca o salvare, ca altceva decit glaciatiune fulgeratoare si interioara nu-ti trebuie, daca esti fleasca, singur, in post si pe asfalt.

1 kg de rosii rascoapte, taiate cubulete
1 ceapa rasa
1 morcov ras
1 pahar de orez
sare, piper, pe gustul meseanului
busuioc, patrunjel, tocate
Toate in afara de verdeata se pun la fiert in 2 l de apa. Dupa 1/2 de ora se ia de pe foc si se adauga verdeata.

(de la Radu Anton Roman citire)


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