Elderflower juice

"At any age, man is a being that feeds himself with stories. Therefore, the wealth of stories, that people gathered around the globe, from house to house, from century to century, either in words or in writing, beat the other human wealth".... says   Rabindranath Tagore (রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর)

Without claiming that I tell 'unmet' or unheard stories , I attempt here, to the World's pot  to tell a story, I try to link a story that could be set bedside and behind of a published material in this virtual space of mine. 
So it today.
I was reading recently a story of elderflower tree that impressed me somehow. Not so much by its beauty but its hidden meanings.
The story says that "under the elderflower tree lives an enemy spirit who guards treasures buried beneath it, not leaving anyone to approach them. 
If someone dares to do it will be abused by this spirit, twisted his legs and crooked the jaws.
Place around the elderflower three is not clean.
This belief is especially true for the elderflower tree that increases in deserted places, where they throw all kinds of dirty stuff. Also, it's not good to sleep under this tree because  misfortunes are following after it."
This is what a popular belief says. 
Beyond its mythical contains , the story is just a story brought to the surface only after hundreds of years and, the elderflower tree which provided today the juice of my childhood is one that grew on the shore of a cold mountain water, whose road is more than clean and pure.

3 elderflower 
500 gr honey
3-4 sliced lemons
yeast( in the size of a bean )

Put all in a big jar(about 3-5 l).  Add water, mix well the content and cover the jar with towel paper. Place this jar in a warm place for 2-3 days or till the juice get a taste as a mineral water(or...till you like the taste of this juice). After you consider that all is done, strain the juice in small bottles and place them in very cold place.
Careful please, this juice is like champagne if you place it somewhere in a warm or hot atmosphere.It must be consumed quickly.


"La orice varsta, omul este o fiinta care se hraneste cu povesti. De aceea, avutia povestirilor, pe care au strans-o oamenii pe tot globul, din casa in casa, din secol in secol, fie in vorba, fie si in scris, a depasit celelalte avutii omenesti"....spune Rabindranath Tagore (রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর)

Fara a avea pretentia ca as spune povesti nemaintilnite sau nemaiauzite, incer la Oala lumii sa spun cite-o poveste, incerc sa leg cite-o istorioara de cite-un material pe care sa-l public in spatiul asta virtual care-mi apartine.
Asa-i si azi.
Citisem nu demult o poveste a socului si, pe undeva ma impresionase. Nu atit prin frumusetea ei cit prin intelesurile pe care le stia ascunde.
Povestea spune ca "sub soc, locuieste un duh vrajmas care pazeste comorile ingropate sub el, nelasind pe nimeni sa se apropie de ele. Daca se incumeta insa cineva s-o faca, este maltratat, sucindu-ise picioarele si strimbindu-i-se falcile.
Locul din jurul socului nu este curat. Aceasta credinta este valabila mai ales pentru socul care creste in locurile parasite, unde se arunca fel de fel de necuratenii. De asemenea nu este bine sa se culce cineva sub un soc pentru ca-l pindesc nenorocirile."
Cam asta zice credinta populara. Dincolo de miticul pe care-o contine, povestea e doar poveste adusa la suprafata de sute de ani, iar socul din care eu am facut sucul copilariei mele e unul ce crestea pe malul unei ape reci de munte, al carei drum e mai mult decit curat.

3 flori de soc
500 gr miere de albine
3-4  lamii feliate
drojdie de marimea unui bob de fasole

Pune totul intr-un borcan mare (cam 3-5 l), amesteca bine continutul si acopera borcanul cu un servetel de hirtie. Plaseaza borcanul intr-un loc cald si lasa-l acolo 2-3 zile pina sucul capata un gust piscacios sau pina cind va avea gustul pe care-l vrei. Strecoara lichidul in sticle mici si pune-le la loc foarte rece.
Atentie: e ca sampania daca il pastrezi intr-un loc cald. Trebuie consumat repede.


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