Crêpes with urdă and dill

.... is a type of very thin pancake, usually made from wheat flour (crêpes de Froment) or buckwheat flour (galettes).  
Crêpes are served with a variety of fillings, from the most simple with only sugar toflambéed crêpes Suzette or elaborate savoury fillings.
Common savoury fillings for crêpes served for lunch or dinner are cheese, ham, and eggs, ratatouille, mushrooms, artichoke (in certain regions), and various meat products.
When sweet, they can be eaten as part of breakfast or as a dessert. They can be filled and topped with various sweet toppings, often including Nutella spread, preserves, sugar (granulated or powdered), maple syrup, lemon juice, whipped cream, fruit spreads, custard, and sliced soft fruits or confiture.
A well known Romanian traditional way of serving these crêpes is using a filling made from urdă* and dill. This kind of crêpes are made in Transylvania, near the celebration of the Resurrection or Atonement. 
And, as a company wine which comes to these wonders called  crêpes would go a sweet or a semidry of Recas, a fragrant, very elegant and so western Romanian wine.

The common ingredients are :
400-450 g flour 
2-3 eggs 
1/2 l mineral water or milk (or both combined )
a pinch of salt
a pinch of backing soda
1-2  tablespoon of melted butter
Mix all using a kitchen mixer and allow the dough to rest in a cool place for some 30 minutes.Crêpes are made by pouring a thin liquid batter onto a hot frying pan or flat circular hot plate, often with a trace of butter on the pan's surface. The batter is spread evenly over the cooking surface of the pan or plate either by tilting the pan or by distributing the batter with an offset spatula.
Fry the pancake on one side, turn it on the other side, then fill it with mixture and fold in half. Get it out on a serving plate.
For the filling: 
350 urdă* cheese
2 eggs
4 tablespoons of sugar (or on your taste)
vanilla extract on your taste
2 tablespoons of fatty cream
1 bunch of washed and chopped fresh dill.

Urdă = ([ˈurdə]) is a Romanian fresh white cheese made from whey of sheep, goat or cow. Urdă is produced by heating the whey resulting from the draining of any type of cheese. It is often made ​​into molds to the shape of a half sphere. The paste is finely grained, silky and palatable.
Since urdă is produced by Romanian shepherds since time immemorial in Romania, this product is considered a traditional Romanian dairy product. It is used especially in the preparation of several desserts as clătită** and plăcintă***.
** clătită = crêpe
*** plăcintă = pie


400-450 gr faina
2-3 oua
1/2 l apa minerala sau lapte (sau combinate amindoua)
un praf de sare
un praf de praf de copt
1-2 l-ri unt topit
Se amesteca toate cu un mixer de bucatarie apoi se da la rece aluatul pt. 30 minute. Se coc clatite intr-o tigaie doar stropita cu unt topit, imprastiind cu ajutorul unui polonic din compozitie pe toata suprafata tigaii. Dupa ce s-au copt pe o parte, se intorc, se mai lasa 1/2 minut apoi se umplu cu umplutura si se pliaza in doua.
Se scot pe platoul de servit.
Ca si vin? Cu siguranta ar merge un Recas demisec sau poate unul dulce, parfumat, foarte elegant si atit de vestic vin romanesc!

350 gr urda
2 oua
4 l-ri zahar(sau dupa gust)
extract de vanilie, dupa gust
2 l-ri de smintina grasa
o legatura de marar proaspat, spalat si tocat



Sergiu said...

I am salivating already!!!
Brings back memories...Crepes filled with God! And there is nowhere to find this sort of cheese here.

Mala Mustatea said...

How about making urda by yourself? It's an available option as long there is milk. Try it and let me know about...