Ciorbă rădăuteană

In Romanian and Moldovan cuisine, ciorbă  is a thick soup (distinct from a stew) coming in a large array of variants and combinations of vegetables and meat. The most popular are ciorbă de burtă (tripe soup) and ciorbă de fasole (bean soup). 
Ciorbă (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈtʃorbə]), from Persian, via the Turkish word çorba is a general Romanian word describing  sour soups consisting of various vegetables and meat. Most Romanians differentiate between "supă" (soup) and "ciorbă" by the fact that soup has no added acid and is most of the times clear (there's only one exception), while ciorbă may contain a wide variety of sour ingredients, usually lemonsborş ( fermented wheat bran) or "zeamă de varză acră" (Sauerkraut juice). In Moldova, the word borş seems soup. 
Lovage is a frequent addition.
Ciorbă rădăuteană is a Romanian traditional sour soup with chicken breast meat and vegetables. You will meet this kind of ciorbă especially in Radauti area, the North-East part of Romania. 
Its taste is unique, believe me.

Ingredients :
1-2 pieces chicken breast meat
4 carrots 
4 smaller parsnip
4 small young onions 
2 small celery
1 large red bell pepper or 2 pimiento peppers 
8 cloves of garlic or 10 (according to your own taste) 
4-5 yolks 
400 gr of thick sour cream 
salt , pepper
40 ml vinegar  or borş 
1 bunch of chopped parsley 

1. Boil chicken breast in 2-3 liters of water with 1 teaspoon of salt.
2. After you collect the foam from surface add: carrots, parsnip, celery, peppers, onions.
3. When they are boiled just remove the meat and vegetables from soup.
4. Meat, 1 carrot and 1 pepper put them aside (meat and pepper cut them in cubes shapes and, carrot as thin slices ).
5. Other vegetables make them puree.
6. Grind all garlic with salt.
7. Yolks are mixed with sour cream; add garlic and vegetables from No.5.
8. Put the mixture into the boiling soup, leaving it, once more time to boil, for 1 minute. You get the pan away from heat and add vegetables and meat from No.4.
9.At the end, add the chopped parsley and borş or vinegar.

Normally, you can eat this soup with pickled hot peppers .

Ciorbă rădăuteană

Ingrediente :
piept de pui, 1-2 bucati
4 morcovi
4 pastirnaci ceva mai mici
4 cepe mici
2 teline mici
1 ardei gras rosu si mare sau 2 ardei capia
usturoi, o caciulie sau doua (dupa propriul gust)
4-5 galbenusuri
400 gr smintina
sare, piper
40 ml bors sau otet
1 leg. de patrunjel tocat

1. Pune puiul la fiert in 2-3 l de apa cu 1 lingurita de sare.
2. Cind aduni spuma de la suprafata adauga: morcovii, pastirbacul, telina,ardeii, ceapa. 
3. Cind s-au fiert se scot carnea si legumele. 
4. Carnea, 1 morcov si 1 ardei le pui deoparte(carnea si ardeiul le tai cuburele si morcovul rondele).
5. Celelalte legume le faci piure.
6. Usturoiul piseaza-l cu sare.
7. Galbenusurile le amesteci cu smintina, adaugi usturoiul si legumele de la nr.5 . 
8. Rastorni amestecul in supa care clocoteste, lasind sa mai dea citeva clocote. Dai deoparte de pe foc si adaugi legumele si carnea de la nr.4 .
10. La final adaugi si patrunjelul si otetul sau borsul.

Enjoy !

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