Celery stew with olives

A townsfood at first, which honors any fireplace with or without any pretension. An encounter in Wallachia, where  Balkans' cuisin try to claim the crown of supremacy over the local one.
The fact is that, at the end, they both are kissing each other and knocked a glass of white wine, flavored by the heat of the summer and earth.
Mother Lucia Nedelea, the convent of Namaiesti-Arges Monastery, published in 1996 a book of "Recipe for fasting days", an excellent material, published and released under the wings'  publisher  Accolade Print Pro .
Master has not also forgotten to remind in his writings, this absolutely fabulous food .
A taste you'll not forget, the dill flavor dominating the striking of celery and, a final dish that will satisfy the most demanding taste buds and mood.
Here it is, one of Mother Lucia best recipe ever:

6 small celery (1.5 kg)
6 tomatoes
4 onions
1 small cup of oil
salt, pepper
100 gr olives (black and blew)
1 bunch of parsley
1 bunch of dill

Peel the celery and cut it into thick slices of a finger size. Chop onion. Put them together to fry in oil on low heat.
Cut tomatoes into cubes. Add to the celery.
When the celery has slightly softened , add pepper and 1 cup of water then boil stifled  all for half an hour.
Meanwhile, if you want, you can remove the olives kernels (but they are more beautiful and attractive, as round and plump).
When the food is almost ready, add the olives, to swell for 5 minutes, then fix all with salt.
It's good anyway, hot or cold, sprinkled with herbs.
The meal of celery with olive, as is done in winter, but with tomato juice instead of fresh tomatoes.
A taste you'll not forget too soon, a dill flavor dominating the striking of celery and, a final dish will satisfy the most demanding taste buds and mood.


O mincare tirgoveata care face cinste oricarei vetre cu sau fara ifose si pretentii. O intilnesti in Valahia, unde bucataria Balcanilor incearca sa-si revendice coroana suprematiei in dauna celei neaose. Cert este ca, la urma, amindoua se pupa si ciocnesc un pahar de vin alb, aromat de caldura verii si-a pamintului.
Maica Lucia Nedelea, Stareta Manastirii Namaiesti-Arges, publica in 1996 o " Carte de bucate pentru zilele de post", material excelent editat si scos sub aripa editurii Accolade print pro.
Maestrul nu a uitat sa aminteasca in peregrinarile sale scriitoricesti, mincarica asta absolut fabuloasa.
Un gust pe care nu-l vei uita, o aroma de marar care domina pregnananta celei de telina, si un fel de mincare final care va satisface cerintele celor mai exigente papile si toane gustative.
Iata aici, una dintre cele mai bune retete ale maicii starete:
6 teline mici(1,5 kg)
6 rosii
4 cepe
1 ceasca untdelemn
sare, piper
100 gr masline(negre si zbircite)
1 leg. patrunjel
1 leg. marar

Telina se curata de coaja si se taie in felii groase de un deget. 
Ceapa se toaca. Se pun impreuna la prajit in ulei, pe foc mic.
Rosiile se taie cubulete. Se adauga la telina.
Cind telina s-a inmuiat putin, se adauga si piper si 1 cana de apa si se lasa sa fiarba inabusit 1/2 de ora.
Daca vreti, scoateti in vremea asta simburii maslinelor(dar sunt mai frumoase si mai apetisante, rotunde si durdulii).
Cind mincarea e aproape gata, se adauga maslinele, sa se umfle 5 minute, apoi se potriveste de sare.
E buna oricum, si calda si rece, cu verdeata presarata deasupra.
La fel se face si iarna, dar cu suc de rosii.


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