Para-kalo, Mr . ANTHI !

Para-Kalo Anthi ... my tongue was singing  on the beach, in a sirtaki rhythm. How the waves don't sing  showing to me that stubbornly greatness only over the stones of Kefalonia?
And, with my thought at the tavern where I had left Zorbas' memories I started to collect the shells that shine as a pearl of Greece. I just put one on an ear and the secret whisper of the red wine that dizzied me the night before, was still making bubbles of pleasure ...of desire.
And the sea with its secret song sent me directly under that sun which burned all and everything in flavor of basil and mint. 
Para-kalo, Anthi !

ANTHi ... that one with a flavor of secret desire, needs:
1). 10-12 zucchini flowers (or curcubata* because that's what I used), fine brushed, just to remove impurities; Greeks remove the pistils also from inside of the flowers but, I left them there and, I also left the stem of the flowers( I do not throw out anything of what nature provides to us). Open petals carefully and fill them with a a meat mixture using a teaspoon (or fingers, as I did).
2). Filling:
finely ground pork, approx. 200-300gr gently sauted for few minutes on low heat
100-150gr boiled rice or soaked for an hour in water 
1 handful of chopped mint 
1-2 green onions 
chopped basil(optional) 
Put the filled flowers in a pan on a bed of vine leaves (or not, it's all on your own decision), pour over all some about 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil.
Cover all with tomato slices, mint (and basil) leaves, add water as much as to overcome them. Through the flowers  you can also put stuffed red peppers  or tomatoes filled with the same filling. Place on high heat until water begins to boil then bring to a simmer and leave for about 30-40 minutes on low heat(you can also use the oven, as I did). Let them cool.
Some peopple use cheese, no meat in these anthi, the 'technology' being the same.
A thick and greasy cream is perhaps, the only ingredient that can lead your thought to a much desired and so expected decay...
Kalimera, Mr. Anthi !

*curcubata= a popular Romanian word for pumpkin

Flori de dovlecel umplute cu carne

Para-kalo Anthi...cinta limba mea pe malul marii, in ritm de sirtaki. Cum sa nu cinte printre valurile ce se incapatinau sa-si arate maretia peste pietrele Kefaloniei ? Si, cu gindul la taverna unde lasasem amintiri de Zorba m-am apucat sa adun din scoicile ce straluceau a sidef de Grecia. Am pus una la ureche si susurul tainic al vinului rosu ce ma ametise cu o seara inainte inca facea bule de dorinta.
Si marea cu a ei cintare tainica ma trimitea direct sub acel soare ce ardea a busuioc si menta.

Para-kalo Anthi ! 

ANTHI...cel cu aroma de placere tainica are nevoie de:

1) 10-12 flori de dovlecel (sau de curcubata caci asta am folosit eu ), care nu se spala ci doar se pensuleaza cu pensula fina pt. a indeparta impuritatile; grecii ii scot pistilul din interior dar eu l-am lasat acolo si le-am lasat si codita florilor; nimic n-am aruncat din binefacerea pe care natura ne-o pune la dispozitie
Se desfac petalele cu grija si se umplu cu ajutorul unei lingurite (sau cu degetele, asa cum am facut eu) cu:

2) Umplutura:
 carne de porc foarte fin macinata, aprox. 200-300gr,calita citeva minute la foc molcom
 orez 100-150gr fiert sau inmuiat o ora, doua in apa
 1 mina de menta verde tocata
 1-2 cepe tocate
 optional busuioc verde tocat
Florile umplute se aseaza intr-un vas, pe un pat de frunze de vie (dar se poate si fara)...precum dolmades. Se toarna cam 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline peste "sarmalute".
Se acopera cu felii de rosii, frunze de menta si se adauga apa atit cit sa treaca peste ele. Se mai pot pune printre flori si rosii umplute sau ardei umpluti cu aceeasi umplutura. Se pun la foc mare pina cind apa incepe sa fiarba apoi se aduce la foc mic si se lasa asa pret de 30-40 de minute(eu am folosit cuptorul la etapa asta).
Cind sunt gata se lasa sa se stimpere fierbinteala si se servesc caldute(altfel se rup daca se incearca sa se scoata calde din vas).
Unii folosesc brinza in loc de carne, tehnologia fiind aceeasi.
O smintina groasa si grasa e poate singurul ingredient care te mai poate duce cu gindul la decadenta mult dorita si atit de asteptata...
Kalimera jupin Anthi !


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